I found a really heartfelt post, thanks to the Ultimate Blog Challenge that I have been doing. I love the idea that we share each other's blogs, but also the sense of camaraderie among my fellow writers. It's lovely to reach out and draw closer to other bloggers.
While I realize the deadline for inclusion in the little online contest on the SheLoves website has past, I find it valuable to have a little conversation with myself.
Dear Body,
First, I'd like to apologize for not recognizing your many years of service to this company. You have survived dance classes, 10 sprained ankles that we have on record, 2 serious knee injuries, a dent on the forehead, overheating, illness, asthma, flu, road rash, sprained wrists, sprained fingers including from shot putting, a stabbed thumb from an Xacto blade, a burned toe from chicken and wine sauce, ineffectual application of sunscreen in Hawaii, and a host of minor and not so minor incidents that I can't even recall.
We've been through a lot together you and I.
We've been thin and thick with lots more time in the thick. We've been in pretty darn good shape and yet when we were thinner and yet I insisted we were chunky. My sincerest apologies for my many unjust judgments.
When loved ones have passed away, you have continued your daily faithful pumping of blood, functioning of brain, and breathing in and out. Each one of these feats is nothing short of commendable, and yet you have gotten the short shrift for not being enough.
I have berated you for not being thin enough or pretty enough to attract a mate. When I was young and short I was convinced I wouldn't be tall enough and that I would stay flat-chested. I would like to apologize for not having faith that all these things work out.
I want to thank you for functioning fingers and hands and wrists.
And especially thanks for being such a good house for my other friends known as my mind and my soul.
If you will stick with me, I promise to continue to fuel you better, rest more often, and give you a place to rest from our nemesis, pain.
I would also like to thank you for amazing hair, pretty eyes, and all of the things you don't hear nearly enough complements about.
We are a team. And I promise to keep in mind that we aren't fighting against each other, we need to be a team fight against pain and stress and the outside pressures that drag us down. I promise not to blame you for the fact that I am still single. This is not our fault, for we are both endeavoring to be the best we can be.
Thanks, Body. You are awesome.
This particular prompt has inspired a lot of sharing, and I think it's great. I've enjoyed reading other letters and finding that I'm not so much alone in some of my feelings. And your first paragraph, with the litany of bodily injustices amused me. ;-)